miércoles, 8 de febrero de 2017

Law on Human Mobility in effect since February 6th., 2017 as published in the Official Registry N° 938 (Immigration Law)

As we mentioned weeks ago, the Human Mobility Act or Immigration Law was approved by the President and published in the Official Registry without any changes from the original text approved by the National Assembly on January 5th., 2017. Please see an English summary about the most relevant articles for foreign citizens living or wanting to live in Ecuador.

We are also including the following link with the law as it is published in the Official Registry: Ley de Movilidad Humana - Registro Oficial.

The President will issue the specific regulations to this law within 120 days from its publication; meanwhile, this law must be applied in a way that should benefit the people in human mobility.


·         Tourists can stay in the country for a 90-day term in a one year term from their entrance to the country.

·         This term may be extended for up to 90 additional days upon request and payment of a government fee.

·         Tourists can also obtain a special tourist visa to extend their stay in the country for up to one year. This special visa can be requested only one time every five years.

·         All tourists must have a public or private health insurance.

·         Temporary visitors will not be allowed to intrude upon the Ecuadorian domestic policy.

Resident visas: Temporary and Permanent.

Temporary residency:
Temporary residents will be entitled to a two-year visa that could be renewed for one more term.

This type of residency covers the following categories:

·         Worker

·         Rentist

·         Retired

·         Investor

·         Scientist, researcher or academic

·         Sportsman, artist, cultural manager

·         Religious officer or religious volunteer of an organization recognized by Ecuador.

·         Volunteer

·         Student

·         Professional, technician, technologist or craftsman

·         Resident by agreement

·         Dependent

·         People under international protection

Temporary Resident Visa Requirements.

1.     Official documents proving the category of visa to which the person will apply.

2.     Valid passport for minimum six months.

3.     Criminal background of the applicants’ country or the country where they have lived in the last five years.

4.     To not represent a threat to the Ecuadorian internal security.

5.     Proof of licit means of living that will allow the applicants and their dependents’ sustainability.

·         Once the visa is granted, the temporary resident must obtain a public or private health insurance.

·         Temporary residents could be out of Ecuador for a maximum term of 90 days per year, which will be accumulative within their residency term.

Permanent Residency.

Foreigners can stay in the country indefinitely if they meet at least one of the following conditions:

1.       To be a temporary resident for at least 21 months and request the permanent residency before the temporary residency has expired.

2.       To be married or have a legally recognized relationship (unión de hecho) with an Ecuadorian.

3.       To be a minor or a person with a disability who is a dependent of an Ecuadorian or of a foreign person with a permanent residency.

4.       Relatives under the second degree of consaguinity or affinity of an Ecuadorian or of a foreign person with a permanent residency.

Permanent Residency Requirements.

1.       Meet one of the conditions established by this law to obtain permanent residency.

2.       Valid passport.

3.       Background certificate.

4.       To not represent a threat to the Ecuadorian internal security.

5.       Proof of licit means of living that will allow the applicants and their dependents’ sustainability.

6.       Payment of the government fee established by the competent authority.

·         Once the permanent residency is granted, the foreigner must obtain a public or private health insurance.

·         Permanent residents could be out of Ecuador for a maximum term of 180 days in each year from the date their visa was granted, during the first two years.

·         After those two years, permanent residents could be out of Ecuador for up to five years.

·         Being out of the country for more than five years will cause loss of the residency.

Ecuadorian Citizenship

In order to obtain the Ecuadorian citizenship, foreigners must be older than eighteen years and must have been living in Ecuador on a regular and continuous basis for at least three years.

A foreigner can also apply to the Ecuadorian citizenship after two years of being married or legally united to an Ecuadorian citizen.

Minors will be required to submit a consent of their parents or guardians.

Applicants must also submit their birth certificate and current passport.

They should know the Ecuadorian patriotic symbols; and prove that they have licit means of living that will allow their sustainability, except for minors or people with disabilities who depend on a third party.


Among the penalties established by this new law, we find the following:

·         Tourists or residents cannot perfom activities other than the ones allowed by their migratory category. Failure to comply with this regulation will cause a fine of one unified minimum salary (currently, USD 375.00). Reincidence will cause cancellation of the visa.

·         People who have not legalized their migratory status within the time stipulated within this law will be fined with two unified minimum salaries, thus USD 750.00.

·         People who have allowed or facilitated a foreigner’s evasion of the migratory control filters will be fined with five unified minimum salaries, thus USD 1.875.00.

·         Foreigners who have simulated marriage or legal union (unión de hecho) with an Ecuadorian with the purpose of getting a migratory status to reside in the country will be fined with five unified minimum salaries, thus USD 1.875.00.

·         Temporary residents who are out of Ecuador for more than 90 accumulative days per year within the validity period of their residency will pay a fine of three unified minimum salaries, thus USD 1.125.

·         Permanent residents who are out of Ecuador for more than 180 per year during the first two years from the date when their migratory status was obtained, will pay a fine of four unified minimum salaries, thus USD 1.500. Reincidence will cause cancellation of the visa.

-      Permanent residents who are out of Ecuador for more than five years after the first two years will lose their residency status.

For more information, please contact us.

Zambrano & Asociados 

jueves, 12 de enero de 2017

Law of Human Mobility (Immigration Law)

Yesterday, the National Assembly sent the Law of Human Mobility Law (Immigration Law) to have the ok of President Correa. The President can reject the law or approve it, with or without changes. After his approval, it will be published in the official newspaper (Registro Oficial), and it will be in effect since this publication. The President will have to approve the specific regulations to the law withing one hundred and eighty days after it is published.

From very reliable sources in the National Assembly, we have learned that there will be no changes to this new law by the President.

We have reviewed the law, and found several new estipulations that we know will be of your interest, which we will summarize here:


•    Tourists can stay in the country for a 90-day term in a one year term from their entrance to the country.

•    This term may be extended for up to 90 additional days upon request and payment of a government fee.

•    Tourists can also obtain a special tourist visa to extend their stay in the country for up to one year. This special visa can be requested only one time every five years.

•    All tourists must have a public or private health insurance.

Resident visas: Temporary and Permanent.

Temporary residency: Temporary residents will be entitled to a two-year visa that could be renewed for one more term.

This type of residency covers the following categories:

•    Worker
•    Rentist
•    Retired
•    Investor
•    Scientist, researcher or academic
•    Sportsman, artist, cultural manager
•    Religious officer or religious volunteer of an organization recognized by Ecuador.
•    Volunteer
•    Student
•    Professional, technician, technologist or craftsman
•    Resident by agreement
•    Dependent
•    People under international protection

Temporary Resident Visa Requirements.

1.    Official documents proving the category of visa to which the person will apply.
2.    Valid passport for minimum six months.
3.    Criminal background of the applicants’ country or the country where they have lived in the last five years.
4.    To not represent a threat to the Ecuadorian internal security.
5.    Proof of licit means of living that will allow the applicants and their dependents’ sustainability.

•    Once the visa is granted, the temporary resident must obtain a public or private health insurance.

•    Temporary residents could be out of Ecuador for a maximum term of 90 days per year, which will be accumulative within their residency term.

Permanent Residency.

Foreigners can stay in the country indefinitely if they meet at least one of the following conditions:

1.    To be a temporary resident for at least 21 months and request the permanent residency before the temporary residency has expired.
2.    To be married or have a legally recognized relationship (unión de hecho) with an Ecuadorian.
3.    To be a minor or a person with a disability who is a dependent of an Ecuadorian or of a foreign person with a permanent residency.
4.    Relatives under the second degree of consaguinity or affinity of an Ecuadorian or of a foreign person with a permanent residency.

Permanent Residency Requirements.

1.    Valid passport.
2.    Background certificate.
3.    To not represent a threat to the Ecuadorian internal security.
4.    Proof of licit means of living that will allow the applicants and their dependents’ sustainability.

•    Once the permanent residency is granted, the foreigner must obtain a public or private health insurance.

•    Permanent residents could be out of Ecuador for a maximum term of 180 days in each year from the date their visa was granted, during the first two years.

•    After those two years, permanent residents could be out of Ecuador for up to five years.

•    Being out of the country for more than five years will cause loss of the residency.

Ecuadorian Citizenship

In order to obtain the Ecuadorian citizenship, foreigners must have been living in Ecuador on a regular and continuous basis for at least three years.

A foreigner can also apply to the Ecuadorian citizenship after two years of being married or legally united to an Ecuadorian citizen.


Among the penalties established by this new law, we find the following:

•    Tourists or residents cannot perfom activities other than the ones allowed by their migratory category. Failure to comply with this regulation will cause a fine of one unified minimum salary (currently, USD 375). Reincidence will cause cancellation of the visa.

•    Temporary residents who are out of Ecuador for more than 90 accumulative days per year within the validity period of their residency will pay a fine of three unified minimum salaries, thus USD 1.125.

•    Permanent residents who are out of Ecuador for more than 180 per year during the first two years from the date when their migratory status was obtained, will pay a fine of four unified minimum salaries, thus USD 1.500.

•    Permanent residents who are out of Ecuador for more than five years after the first two years will lose their residency status.

For further questions you can contact us at the following numbers:
US number: (303) 923-5818
Or visit our website: www.zambranoyasociados.com

jueves, 28 de marzo de 2013



Continuando con nuestra entrega anterior sobre las obligaciones que deben cumplir las sociedades para con la Superintendencia de Compañías en este primer cuatrimestre del año 2013, hoy me permito detallar la información financiera que debe remitirse a esta entidad:

1.  Estados Financieros con el siguiente detalle: 
     a) Compañías que se encuentran obligadas a presentar su información financiera conforme al Cronograma de aplicación de las “NIIF”: 
         - Estado de Situación Financiera
         - Estado del Resultado Integral
         - Notas a los Estados Financieros
         - Conciliaciones de las Normas Ecuatorianas de Contabilidad “NEC” a las Normas Internacionales de
           Información Financiera “NIIF” (excepto para aquellas empresas en las que la resolución de disolución o 
           liquidación se encuentra inscrita en el Registro Mercantil).

    b) Compañías que se encuentran obligadas a presentar su información financiera de años anteriores aplicando
        las Normas Ecuatorianas de Contabilidad “NEC”: 
        - Balance General y Estado de Resultados.

2. Informe o memoria presentado por el representante legal a la junta general de accionistas o socios que conoció y adoptó resoluciones sobre los estados financieros.

3. Informe del o los comisarios del consejo de vigilancia u otro órgano de fiscalización interna, presentados a la junta general de accionistas o de socios que conoció y adoptó la resolución sobre los estados financieros (l
as compañías de responsabilidad limitada presentarán este informe únicamente en los casos en que el estatuto de la compañía así lo estableciere).

4. Informe de auditoría externa, en el caso de estar obligada a contratarla (
aquellas compañías que sean sujetos obligados, de conformidad con lo dispuesto en las Normas para la Prevención de Lavado de Activos, Financiamiento del Terrorismo y Otros Delitos, deberán anexar al informe anual de auditoría, el informe de verificación y grado de cumplimiento de las políticas, procedimientos y mecanismos internos implementados por dichos sujetos obligados).
5. Nómina de administradores y/o representantes legales con la indicación de los nombres y apellidos completos y denominación del cargo de los mismos;

6. Nómina de accionistas o socios inscritos en el libro de acciones y accionistas o de participaciones y socios, a la fecha del cierre del estado financiero;

7. Copia legible del Registro Único de Contribuyentes (RUC) vigente;

8. Copia certificada del acta de la junta que aprobó los estados financieros;

9. Los demás datos que establece el Reglamento.
Será grato absolver cualquier consulta que ustedes tengan al respecto.

Floridalva Zambrano